Prepared Microscope Slide Set, Intr. To Biology, 15 Slides, New! Remaining inventory from Lehman Scientific, LLC- Very good quality glass slides with cover slips, all labeled. List price $24.00 Now- $19.95 (Note: these slide sets have been in storage for a few years, I’ve noticed that the glue on some of the labels has dried out and the labels have detached. However, each label will still be in the same slot as the slide; just glue it back on.) LS-SET-B17106 INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY - SET OF 15 SLIDES B1 - CONJUGATION OF SPIROGYRA B2 - LICHEN (W.M.) B3 - MOSS CLUSTER (W.M.) B4 - SPINAL CORD (T.S.) B5 - WHEAT SEED (L.S.) B6 - PINUS POLLEN (W.M.) B7 - STEM OF DICOTYLEDON (T.S.) B8 - STEM OF MONOCOTYLEDON (T.S) B9 - TRITICUM AESTIVUM LEAF ELDERS (W.M.) B10 - TERMINAL BUD B11 - SINGLE CELL ZOO (W.M.) B12 - ANIMAL CELL MITOSIS B13 - CARDIC MUSCLE (SEC) B14 - BLOOD SMEAR B15 - KIDNEY (L.S.)